Monday, January 14, 2008

Website Launched!

Wow! Time really flies, huh? Things are going terrific over on this end, my website finally has launched after working on it since July. I'm extremely happy with the outcome. I still have a few things to tweak, for example, the quotation mark is wrong on my main quote, and it wont let me change the graphic, and *I* tried to take the pictures of my candles myself, and well, I failed miserably. LOL. I'm going to hire a professional photographer to take pics of my products. People want to see what they're buying, right? Anyway, if you would like to check it out, it's Oh, I also need to add a tart page! I'm a tart loverrrr!

I've been spending a lot of time with my little cousin who is 11 months old. It's definitely giving Chris and I baby fever. Hopefully sometime this year we can try for a baby. I would like to lose some weight first, and I'll be happy. Good ole Weight Watcher's is helping me, plus I've been working my behind off on that evil elliptical. LOL.

Anyway, just wanted to update. I'm not sure if I have any readers, but wanted to update for my own sake. It's good to come back and check to see how far you've come.
Have a great week! :0)

1 comment:

Welcome aboard! Tervetuloa! said...

I love your website :)