Thursday, June 21, 2007

Will they every stop?

(Size of the candle, this was another candle I did, triple scented, Sugar Cookies, Birthday Cake, and Cinnamon Buns. I also whipped wax to make it look like frosting and put sprinkles on the top. It was a HUGE hit!)
Ok, so I just poured a 3 lb Blissful Blackberry (Bath and Body dupe) for an ex co-worker of mine, and now I have a horrific migraine. To top if off, the landscaping guys decided to come and cut the grass and edging, which is only making my migraine 100x more. (Which I find rather odd since It was pouring earlier, and the grass should be extremely wet.) Go figure, I guess I will never understand.

Since I've gotten back into scrapping, I decided I'm going to pre-plan my meals, and make a cute menu and post it on the fridge so hubby knows what we will be eating that night. It's a good way of organizing, and of course you don't go crazy at the grocery store, and want to buy everything on the shelves. I have a tendency, ok, let me rephrase I had a tendency to go into HEB or Wal-Mart Super center, and spend 200.00 EASILY with just hubby and I, because I will throw whatever I want in the cart, and then the next day I didn't know what we'd be having for dinner. This way, we can plan ahead, and save cash. A good deal to me.

I may have my first potential client, which I'm extremely excited about. (A client as in, a business putting my candles in their store.) My MIL was at a Local shipping place, I think it was Gone Postal, or something of that nature, and she noticed a candle on the counter, and she asked them, "Do yall sell candles here?" The guy then informed her, "We did, but we lost our supplier because she quit doing candles." My MIL then proceeded on telling him that I'm starting up my business, doing all the trial and error and mastered it, and now I'm finding places in which I will store my candles at. He was very interested, and gave her his business card. Tomorrow I will call him and schedule a meeting so I can show him my products. I'm happy about that, this has been my dream, and I think it's going to finally come true. Doing the legwork makes a remarkable difference. You can't just jump in, and expect everything to fall into your lap. Not going to happen.

Today I started my work-out routine. I feel SOOO much better. I need to do this for me, and my health, because hubby and I plan on starting the baby-making process early 2008. So, I have no time for slacking.

Anyhow, I'm off to go take a trip to Hobby Lobby and browse. :-) I need new ribbon.

Have a blessed day!


Jill said...

How lucky she asked! And sounds like they smell great!

LuzinhaFolch said...

Hi dear!
Thank you so much for stop by at my blog and for the lovely words about my work!!!
You may be beginner but your work rocks as well!
You blog is super cute,BTW love that candle!:0)
Do you know the SIStv community?
If you want you will find me there more often,check there cuz it's an amazing site!:0)

Unknown said...

lol @ the baby making process... i hope to start ours in 2010 :-P